February 26, 2024

Panel Build: Recruiting HCPs for Longitudinal Market Research

Working with a global market research and consulting firm, m360 Research was commissioned to run several short studies over a 12-month period with healthcare professionals (HCPs) managing patients living with tardive dyskinesia (TD) in the United States. The research sponsor sought to gain insights for treating this relatively rare condition.

The challenge was twofold. Firstly, finding market research respondents in this niche market. The client established specific screening criteria focused on neurologists, psychiatrists, nurses, and physician assistants, managing tardive dyskinesia (TD) patients. TD is a neurological disorder characterised by involuntary, repetitive movements of the face, tongue, and other parts of the body. The condition is often associated with the use of dopamine-blocking medications and affects an estimated 750,000 people in the United States. Secondly, m360 Research were asked to execute multiple fieldwork events throughout the year. Each event involved a short 5 or 10-minute survey, with a target of securing a minimum of 50 completes within 2-3 days, presenting a time-sensitive challenge.
m360 Research Solution
To address the challenges posed by the client, m360 Research suggested the creation of a custom community. A custom community is a pool of individuals who have been specifically recruited to participate in longitudinal market research. By combining list-based recruitment with custom recruitment strategies, such as phone outreach, m360 Research built a panel of more than 150 pre-qualified participants ready to share their opinions and experiences of TD. By nurturing meaningful relationships with them, m360 Research was able to run an average of two studies per month. Moreover, the cost-effective nature of this solution was noteworthy, as the client was charged a flat panel access fee instead of recruitment fees for individual studies.
By establishing this custom community, m360 Research not only overcame the challenge of conducting quick surveys in a short field time, but also ensured the availability of a dedicated and engaged group of respondents for future research initiatives. The collaboration between m360 Research and the client demonstrated the effectiveness of leveraging custom communities in the field of healthcare market research.

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